After giving me a handful of mini-problems throughout their stay, starting with their very early arrival, their canceling of one room and haggling over the fees, their constant appetite for anything American or American-like (Starbucks, pizza, Fridays, Häagen-Dazs, Amigo’s!), their insistence on finding a water-sports beach in April (you guys, you seriously….), their complete apathy towards Athens’ true virtues and the Easter customs (‘I don’t like lamb….’), the numerous taxi’s they used (I estimate around 40 in a matter of 7 days) with the inevitable related problems (it is only a matter of statistics to end up with a creep driver), the noise they made at night bothering a family of Brtis, the constant and wasteful use of the A/C all the time, even when they were not in their rooms, the 3 different ways they used to pay for their stay (6 credit cards, cash in Euro and cash in US dollars), after all of that…..I have to say that the ‘brown people’ (a group 14 American medical students of Indian origin on their spring break) were nice, fun, definitely not ungrateful and with a good sense of humor. Cheers guys!!
P.S.1 I honestly thought they would nick the two playing decks.
P.S. 2 I pray to the Gods of football (one of whom just left a clinic) not to have a Man U – Liverpool final in May. Athens was not built for chavz and scouzers!!!
Pshle, eisai toso politically incorrect wres wres!!! xa!
They wrote it, not me!
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